Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Meal

On the way to Johannesburg, Nile got her first McDonald's Happy Meal.
Despite the weird expressions, she really was happy.
There is no McDonald's in Botswana, so this was that much more of a treat ... for mom and dad, too :) 

Say what you will about McDonald's, capitalism, etc. but it was a surprisingly dear reminder of home when I put my hands under the dryer in the bathroom and saw the familiar World Dryer logo with the imprint "MADE IN BERKELEY, IL".

Nile was making the most bizarre faces, probably because it was night and I was setting a flash off in her face ... anyway, she really enjoyed her chicken nuggies and her "toy" -- a kittie-themed mini notepad and pen.


Anne said...

I'm just a tad jealous! I miss McDonalds (and really any and all drive-thru restaurants). I hope it was as delicious as you remembered it to be.

modestmuse said...

Aww, it was good. I'm sure if I sent you some of Mickey D's partially hydrogenated fries they'd be perfectly edible upon arrival!