Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Made It Through Nursery!

Today, Neil and I got set apart in our new calling as nursery leaders. We helped out with the class we will be leading, the 3- and 4-year-olds. There were 8 little kids, and they were hilarious! It didn't start out so well, though. I was really scared to do it! I was probably more scared than the kids were the first day their parents left them in nursery. There were 5 adults -- the two current leaders, another new leader, and us. Neil dove right in and sat down with the kids who were playing with Play-Doh. They were laughing and having fun in no time. I stood to the side with one of the current leaders, getting as many instructions as I could. This is SOOOOooo pathetic, but I'm going to tell you anyway -- I almost started crying, I was so uncomfortable and scared to interact with these kids. I teared up and wanted to leave, and if it hadn't been little kids, I would have left to go compose myself, but I couldn't. I looked up and blinked to get the water out of my eyes, finally got myself under control and headed over to the Play-Doh table where Neil got the kids excited about the cube of clay I smushed together. I am SO not a natural, and I felt like a complete idiot and I was basically mute, but the kids didn't seem to hate me. I was really surprised that the 2 hrs. passed by quicker than 1 hr. of Sunday School. A lady came in and led the music time, we played games, had snacks, colored and had a lesson. These kids have an attention span of about 1 min., which was really surprising to me, and pretty funny. They were all really cute and have such STRONG and different personalities. By the time their parents came to pick them up, one of the little girls was sitting in my lap. I know it sounds silly, but I was pretty proud of myself for overcoming this huge fear.


Julie said...

Awww. So proud of you!! Kids are harmless. Cept when they crap all over themselves. Thats just hateful and pathetic. It's a toilet, kid. Not that hard of a concept. Geez.

M. said...

yeah!! I knew you could do it :) make sure to eat some snackies yourself...

Rosie Posie said...

Sorry about the mean things I said about nursery. I am sure those kids are going to LOVE you.

Tara said...

you are funny. why is it that they always put the newlyweds in the nursery!!! us too.

modestmuse said...

NG - If a kid craps on himself on my watch, it's over.

Yeah, it was Fast Sun., so snacks next time for sure!

LOL Rosemay and Tara! I hope the kiddies at least like me. Weird that I've heard from several newlyweds that their first calling was/is nursery. But good to see you went on to have your own (soon).