Friday, May 14, 2010


Here in BA, Disco is not a place to get your groove on, it's a grocery store.

We went there the other day to do a little shopping since our cupboard was bare upon returning home after 3 mos. away. Not to mention the basket of root vegetables that died a horrible, stinky death on the counter.

Here is Disco's produce section. Pretty much like what you'd see in the U.S. except there's much less variety.

Our neighborhood Disco is a small store, but it's two blocks from our house, so we can't complain.  Oh yeah, and did I mention that, like most everything here, they DELIVER? So we bought our groceries and 20 min. later a delivery boy came to our apt. with our goods.

Another unique thing is that EVERYONE has dogs here, but you can't bring them into stores, right? So they leave them outside, where they patiently wait. Any time I've gone to Disco, there is usually a dog waiting outside, sometimes tied to that tree or sometimes sitting where this fellow is waiting.

I would love to see Cesar Millan do an episode in BA about the lack of problem dogs -- somehow every ordinary person here has "whispered" their dog into incredible obedience!


M. said...

ha ha. awesome. Let me know if you ever see a pig. You almost ruined it for me, but I've come to grips that a little guy wouldn't eat us...

Travelin' Tracy said...

Um, that actually looks like the produce section in WV where I live...people don't eat a large variety of veggies or fruits around sad! On the other hand, mangos go on sale for super cheap because no one buys them but me!

modestmuse said...

Haha, I guess you've found one of the upsides to living in WV!

AJ said...

That grocer looks amazing. Does BA have funky smells? Such as the meat section?