Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Guest blogging on her birthday, may I present Miss Nile Malena:


Just kidding. But "baby Nile" is growing up so fast. I just wanted to publicly wish her a happy day before it's over. I took the day off of work to spend a lot of wonderful, sweet time with her, and I also was able to run a ton of errands in preparation for her first birthday party/our housewarming.


These pics were taken between Skype-ing with both sets of her grandparents. Technology is wonderful!

More to come later, including a very special story I've been meaning to share with you.


Stephanie said...

Awww Happy Birthday Baby Girl!! We love you!! Oh, and Megan, today I was getting shoes out of my closet for work and I got so mad at myself because I was looking at the shoes you sent me and suddenly realized I never properly thanked you for them! That was so so thoughtful of you and I absolutely love them and they fit! SO THANK YOU! I've actually had many things make me think of you lately because I was looking through fabric to make something one of my sisters asked for and I saw the fabric you sent me AND THEN I also had a friend over one day who was sewing in my sewing cabinet and she was like, "Oh Breakfast at Tiffanys in Spanish! So cool!" (because I have that poster displayed as part of my inspiration wall in there) and I got to tell her all about how I got it. So, yeah, you've been on my mind a lot. Hope all is well with you guys and that Nile had a marvelous first birthday!

mj said...

Happy Birthday, Nile! Aww she is such a sweetheart.